Perks of working for a book festival: write a post about a book whose author is coming to the festival, and then see if you can get an interview with him! Yeah, I got to interview James Hannaham for the festival, which is incredibly awesome, even though I made a total fool of myself since it was my first “real” interview and I was nervous as all hell. Still, probably worth a listen, even if you haven’t read the book. Here’s a link:

Click here!

(I really hope he doesn’t read that original booktalkin’ post. Even more embarrassing. Eek.

God Says No

It’s pretty much impossible for me to talk about this book without showing the cover–I mean, look at it. When I first got this book from my boss I think I spent at least fifteen minutes just looking at the cover before I even started to read it: The emotion of everyone pulling on the man on the cross, the backdrop of a nondescript strip mall, tinker bell and a pair of mickey mouse ears pulling him a certain way, the pained expression on the crucified man’s face. It’s like a dream in truest sense. Keep on Readin’ on?